Abstract guidelines

Submission deadline

Submission deadline

30 september 2023

The date of the acceptance or rejection response

The date of the acceptance or rejection response

05 October 2023

The deadline for sending the final version of abstract

The deadline for sending the final version of abstract

15 October 2023

Follow the online instructions


  • Abstracts must be written in English.
  • All abstracts are considered an E-Poster.
  • Maximum number of authors: 10.
  • Only 02 posters by submission will be accepted.
  • Abstract body must have a 500-word count limit.
  • Use standard and well-accepted abbreviations.
  • Use a concise title, the title should be in sentence case (eg: Using food science to enhance STEM education).
  • The submitted work must not, or will not have been: published in any journal, or on any website before 01 Novembre 2023, or presented at any national or international scientific conference prior to 01 Novembre 2023.
  • Abstract content should be single-spaced and typed in lower case.
  • Abstracts shall be of original research and contain a concise statement of study aim.
  • Submit four (4) parts of your abstract: Background, Method, Results, and Conclusion(s). Conclusions must be supported by your results and summarized within your abstract at the time of submission. Results “to be completed” and/or conclusions “to be discussed” are not acceptable.
  • Literature abstracts, and about case abstracts will not be accepted.
  • The deadline will be the same as the submission deadline 15 september 2023.
  • Submission only online.
  • NO exceptions will be made to this policy.